There are four major categories for attunemetns in AoA: Energy, Matter, Life Energy and Astral. these categories are broken up into subcategories. For instance, Astral has space, time and gravity.
Most users of aether are attuned to two subcategories, while rarely a powerful individual may attune to three, of those subcategories a user usually only attunes to up to five elements.
Elements and categories names are written: English ( Consi The origin language of Aurora, said to be the vocalization of pure aether. ).
Energy (Vünfu)
Gaseous states of matter / Energy
Energy (Vünfu)
- Energy (Vünfu)
- Lightning (Krero)
- Magnetism (Minyra)
- Kinetic (Kytosun)
- Sound ( Náho)
- Fire ( Hylé)
- Plasma (Zols)
- Ash/Smoke (Pomy/Gysi) - Matter Required
- Lava (Léru) - Earth Required
- Ice (Ása) - Water Required
- Steam (Gosin) - Water Required
- Ionic Ice (Orivuku Ása) - Water Required
Light (Ilum)
- Light (Ilum)
- Shadow (Reén)
- Ultraviolet (Kyseveku)
- Infrared (Kéheku)
Air (Arié)
- Air (Arié)
- Helium (Héedi)
- Hydrogen (Huno)
- Atmosphere (Sobdé)
- Nitrogen (Veto)
- Carbon Dioxide (Comnéku zuaksyd)
- Argon (Vilin)
Matter (Jrnos)
Liquid and Solid states of matter
Matter (Jrnos)
- Bone (Bume) - Life Energy required
- Silicon (Küpé)
- Steel (Sybu)
- Brass (Büs)
- Carbon Fiber (Comnéku máb)
- Biological (Jorruku)
Earth (Durin)
- Earth (Durin)
- Iron (Met)
- Mercury (Iqé)
- Lead (Ékinor)
- Sand (zürin)
- Obsidian (Arbdin)
- Wood (Vero)
- Nature (Néqo) - Life Energy Required
Water (Aqépo)
- Water (Aqépo)
- Cloud (Sefus)
- Blood (Blut)
- Ice (Ása) - Energy Required
- Steam (Gosin) - Energy Required
- Ionic Ice (Orivuku Ása) - Energy Required
Crystaline (Selfusuku)
- Diamond (Qos)
- Crystal (Selfus)
- Quartz (Qétecé)
- Ruby/Emerald/Sapphire - (Same attunement different color on use)
Antimatter (NeJrnos)
- Antimatter (NeJrnos)
- Decay (Dezüzu)
- Dark Matter (Nurzuku Jrnos)
Life Energy (Masu Vünfu)
Energies dealing with life
- Entropy (Pinku)
- Yin (Ranure)
- Yang (jse)
- Vitality (Qi)
- Psychic (Tuviku)
- Emotional (Cibé)
- Nature (Néqo) - Earth Required
Astral (Kasoku)
Celestial forces
Space (Témü)
- Space (Témü)
Gravity (Gravére)
- Gravity (Gravére)
- Antigravity - (NeGravére) - the term for the expanding force of space.
Time (Soiet)
- Time (Soiet)