This is the name of Aurorans who have an artificial body created from Aurora’s Aether and bare the consciousness and resemblance of a life-form from another planet. It is rumored that the souls of these beings were drawn to Aurora’s Aether as if it were the afterlife.
Otherworlders have prolonged life-spans, no one on Aurora is quite sure what determines the aging process for Otherworlders. (the Home Planet solar cycle influences the aging process of the Otherworlder’s body). Traits of the Otherworlders may include but are not limited to: Increased Strength, Speed, Agility, Sight, Hearing, Smell, and Durability.
The Aether pool of an Otherworlder does not appear to be inherently larger than what is capable of an Auroran, though they do have a history of being fast learners when it comes to battle and aether control.
It is currently unknown if an Otherworlder is capable of conceiving a child with an Auroran, some in the scientific community have speculated that if the physiology of an Otherworlder was similar enough to an Aurorans that they could technically produce offspring bearing a mixture of the traits from the two. Some have even gone so far as to say that Otherworlders are Aurora’s attempt at breathing diversity into the gene pool of Aurorans. But surely a planet cannot consciously meddle in the affairs of its inhabitants.
Earthkin keep their earthly bodies, in a sense. Some Earthkin eclipse (see eclipsing The grueling process of being reborn on Aurora. ) to Aurora, and find themsleves back at the age they remember fondly. Usually some of the things they remember fondly also end up with them, especially rings, necklaces, or other accessories.
Most Earthkin on Aurora are able to manipulate aether.
Aurora has less gravity than earth, so the human body on Aurora is stronger, heartier, and faster. Auroran astral cycles are faster as well, so Aurorans age 100x faster than an earthkin, with one Earth year equating to about 100 Auroran Years.
Ankat (Beastkin)
Beastkin come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. A Beastkin may have the appearance of any naturally occurring Auroran. Jágor-kin, and Reén Ma-kin are two examples, the Jágor-kin look very much like a Jágor, except they Jágor-kin are bipedal. They bear all of the same racial abilities as their cousins, but have adopted a more upright form. Reén Ma-kin have a natural disposition toward Ilum Consi for "light". Pronounced ih-loom. Aether and will develop a Reén nature 80% of the time.
Due to the nature of the Beastkin, their physical stats are hard to gauge. It is estimated that your weakest Beastkin is still likely to be two times stronger than your average Furless. Of course, different parent species will result in different attributes as a whole, but for the purposes of general classification this is applicable.
Beastkin may have to impregnate Beastlings and other Beastkin, but must bear the children of Furless. Most Beastkin have an average life-span ⅔ that of their parent species. This results in a slightly longer life-span than that of Furless and Beastlings. The exception to this appears to be when a Beastkin’s parent species has a life-span less than an average of 50 years, the Beastkin will live roughly ten to fifteen years longer than the average of the parent species.
Ankatinu (Beastling)
Something between a Beastkin and a Furless, most resemble the Furless with a few key features of the Beastkin. The common features of a Beastling are accentuated: ears, nose, tails, and fur. A few rare cases will have accentuated limbs: arms, hands, legs, feet, and sometimes the head.
Beastlings have a higher physical prowess than that of a Furless but are generally physically weaker than the Beastkin.
The circumstances of a Beastling’s ability to conceive a child with other races is irrelevant. Beastlings are the most fertile of all Aurorans and can bear the children of all races. Beastling’s average life-span is 60 years with a few outliers having lived to 120 years. The oldest recorded Beastling was 150 years old, but there have been no other recorded Beastling living past 120 years.
Ankatano (Furless)
The common name for Aurorans that are lacking fur, fangs, claws, and ears. These creatures strongly resemble the Otherworlders of Earth, minus a few details. Aurorans appear to have eye, hair, and skin colors that do not naturally occur on Earthlings. One such example of this is brick red skin and purple irises. Furless are a common occurance on Aurora, and in some areas are the dominant race.
Genetically speaking there is not much of a difference between a Furless, Beastling and Beastkin. The gene that handles the pigmentation of skin and the gene that handles fur growth are simply stunted in Beastlings and Furless. With that being said, it is not uncommon for a family to produce one of each, or for an entire family to be a specific race.
A Furless is capable of conceiving a child with a Beastling, Beastkin, Scaleless or another Furless. When conceiving with a Beastling, Furless, or Scaleless it does not matter who bears the child, any combination of species will yield a result. When a child is to be born between a Beastkin and a Furless, the Beastkin must be the one to bear the child. The average lifespan of a Furless is 68 years, with outliers living toward 110 years.
Note: The other races of Aurora follow a similar pattern to Beastkin, Beastlings and Furless. Their write up will follow.